About the Saint Nicholas Beneficial Society (SNBS)
“Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one's self unspotted from this world.” — Epistle of St. James i, 27Organization
Marian Restoration (MR) is an independent Pennsylvania non-profit corporation registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Department of State Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations (Certificate no. 120228). Marian Restoration also operates under the name St. Nicholas Beneficial Society.
Marian Restoration qualifies as a charitable organization under USA Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). As such it is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170. MR’s EIN is 23-3092074.
Marian Restoration was founded in 2001 by the late Richard Lloyd of Fullerton, PA, who was also an original re-founding member, in 2006, of St. Stephen of Hungary Church together with other local faithful commonly called "traditional." To this day, Marian Restoration strives "to spread in every way possible the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, under the patronage of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary."
On December 6, 2018, the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra, friends from local Eastern & Western Catholic parishes met at a local restaurant to explore how to combine works of charity — both materially and fraternally — to help the needy of the local Roman community. Inspired by the example of the great St. Nicholas, we agreed to do what Christ might ask of us, gathered in his Name, prompted by the Holy Spirit. We thus came to call ourselves "the Friends of St. Nicholas."
Imbued with this specifically Roman spirituality, the Friends of St. Nicholas fervently advance the same purpose: to aid those in need of sound doctrine and charity, especially in these days of moral and spiritual crisis.
A Distinctly Roman Community
Most Friends are Catholics commonly called "traditional" who live the ancient disciplines and pray according to the sacred Liturgy in the ‘old’ rites of the Church, Eastern and Western. It is this context in which we refer to ourselves as a Roman community.
What Friends of St. Nicholas do...
"We combine our lives, talents, and treasure to collaborate in simple acts of charity for those needy among us, in the greater Roman Community of the region." (Taken from an e-mail of Friends, 3 January 2019)
For example, we help widows and single women, and unwed mothers to makes ends meet when in trouble — by paying rent, or underwriting other expenses. Friends also help needy persons to move residence, or to find adequate housing, and drive the elderly or infirm on errands or to the doctor. We take the poor to shop for groceries, and visit the imprisoned and the sick — and care for them.
SNBS Officers
Reuben J. DeMaster
Vice President
John F. Gallagher
George Barth (acting)
Frederick Koons (acting)
Michael Petrillo III
Patrick F. Fitzsimmons
Directors Emeritus
Helen A. Hillanbrand
Vincent Vercillo
Girard Lloyd
Contact Info
St. Nicholas Beneficial Society
P.O. Box 8752
Allentown, PA 18105