Care for Young Women

We are planning to form a home for young adult Roman Catholic women seeking fellowship in holiness. Our objective would be to create safe and welcoming environment where structure, contemplation, and prayer will allow women to  live their Christian faith as fully as possible in fellowship the parish, neighborhood, and the greater church. In the midst of busy lives in a busy city, we hope to create a place of charity, prayer, discernment, and community.

What does the Church say?

The Catholic Church supports young women in their faith by encouraging them to grow in knowledge of the catechism and the Church's social teaching, so that they can acquire the principles that will assist them in acting as true disciples. The Church recognizes the importance of young people in the journey of faith and encourages parents to foster shared expressions of faith within their families, which can help children gradually mature in their own faith. The Church also acknowledges the vital role of women in preserving and handing on the faith, even in communities where no priest has been present for a long time. These strong and generous women, prompted by the Holy Spirit, have baptized, catechized, prayed, and acted as missionaries, keeping the Church alive through their devotion and deep faith. The Church values the spiritual contribution of holy and courageous women, who play a significant role in the growth of communities and the renewal of society[1] [2] [3].

Furthermore, the Church recognizes the active presence and organizations of Catholic women as a great support for the Church's apostolate. In times of threat to peace, injustice, and increasing poverty, Catholic women stand up to defend human dignity, the family, and religious values. They are considered a kind of "backbone" in the local Churches, and their numbers and active presence contribute to the renewal and humanization of society, as well as the rediscovery of the true face of the Church[4].

The Church also emphasizes the importance of integrating young people into the community's life and activity, ensuring that they are genuinely welcomed and supported in their faith journey. The Synod Fathers acknowledge the work of religious men and women, as well as lay people, who have labored generously in the field of Catholic education. Catholic schools, established and staffed by these individuals, have made an inestimable contribution to the Church and civil society. The involvement of consecrated women and men in educational institutions is seen as a way to bear radical witness to Gospel values and inspire others. Additionally, the laity's involvement in Catholic education, particularly in teaching, is considered a precious service of the Gospel and a means of Christian sanctification for both teachers and students. The Bishops recommend that those responsible for hiring teachers and administrators in Catholic schools take into account the faith-life of those they are hiring, as the identity and success of Catholic education are inseparably linked to the witness of life given by the teaching staff[5].

In summary, the Catholic Church supports young women in their faith by encouraging them to grow in knowledge, recognizing their vital role in preserving and handing on the faith, valuing their spiritual contribution, and providing opportunities for integration into the community's life and activity. The Church also acknowledges the important role of women in defending human dignity, the family, and religious values, and appreciates the contribution of consecrated women and men, as well as the laity, in Catholic education[1][4][2][3][5].


  1. [Africae Munus 59]
  2. [Africae Munus 58]
  3. [Querida Amazonia 99]
  4. [Inter Insigniores]
  5. [Lumen Fidei 53]